Our amazing and very diligent Delegate Bessie Brooks-Garnett has been working hard to get our new RT license plates approved, but she still needs lots more support!! You need a license plate anyways, why not show off your RT pride with it? There’s no extra cost, its either $10 or $20 for your personalized option. Help Bessie get the 450 preorders she needs to get these plates up and going!!
payment options include:
Venmo: @Bessie-BrooksGarnett
PayPal: Bessie Brooks-Garnett, or b.brooks233@gmail.com
Or mail a check or money order to Bessie personally, address is on the attached forms!
plate will look similar to one posted, but has Respiratory Therapist written along the bottom
Va DMV License Plate Preorder Request for Respiratory Therapist